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Virtual Interviews

Video (Virtual) interviews have become the new standard. As of April 2020, 86% of organizations were incorporating new virtual technology to prepare for interviewing candidates, according to a Gartner survey.

Here are some virtual interview tips!

Be Present

Even when pressed for time, the video interview is not the occasion to check your email or phone. Because of the video format, you might not assume a candidate will notice. However, they've noted your waning attention span, which might influence their future decisions. The easiest way to avoid this is to focus entirely on your video interview. Make eye contact and follow up with insightful, pertinent inquiries. Pause programs like Slack, which could distract your focus. Remember that for most prospects, the interview is their first impression of the organization. You want this to be a great candidate experience that makes them want to learn more about you and this opportunity.

Body Language Matters

Body language is still important. Although creating proper eye contact with a video interviewer is difficult, you should place your webcam at eye level. As you talk, look at the camera. Clear, confident communication with plenty of eye contact produces a terrific first impression, even over a computer screen. Take note of your general body language and facial expressions. Maintain good posture and frequently smile, just like in an in-person interview.

Empathy Goes a Long Way

It might be the candidate's first time not interviewing in person. This first-ever video interview might feel uncomfortable for them. Recognize this even if they don't appear nervous, and start by thanking them for their time and make sure to ramp up the questioning. Start with more straightforward questions like, "What interests you about [this role] or [company]?" which also provides insight into what motivates them.

Setup is Important

Setting up your environment for video interviews is essential and helps eliminate possible distractions. De-clutter your workspace. It doesn't have to be perfectly dusted but take a moment to tidy up loose papers and such. Also, be aware of what's behind you. Good lighting is essential. Perhaps a desk lamp would brighten up your face on the screen? Be conscious of other potential distractions caused by poor lighting. Sitting with your back to a window and the camera facing you often creates a silhouette, which is also distracting.

What are some of the differences and tips that you can share?