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Unit Economics

The goal of community is not engagement

I've spoken about visions and not ideas in the past and how important it is to work towards and believe in something greater than one specific idea or p...

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almost 3 years ago

Software Engineer @ Ethically

This article makes some intriguing points. I know there's a community in Ethically's future and I'm wondering how we could empower that community towards meaningful sustainability changes. I suppose there's some introspection on my part; what information would I like on the consumer side, what resources would I like to explore when researching, for example. One of the neatest things about a community in my opinion is the collaboration. That spontaneous comment thread that exposes you to an option you'd not considered. Little things, little changes add up to big changes. I'd love to hear about how a physical or digital community has had positive impact in your life!
Brett Wischow core team
almost 3 years ago

Chief Growth Officer @ Platform Venture Studio

Reminds me of this post by Rosie. Truly the master when it comes to community building.

Digital community started having a positive impact on my life in the pandemic actually. I forced myself to put myself out there on twitter a bit more vs. just reading and scrolling. Granted, I'm incredibly privileged and recognize there is a lot of harassment on that platform, but it was the first time an actual digital community felt really tangible for me.

A physical community that has had a hugely positive impact in my life is Crossfit. I would probably be 30 pounds heavier than I am now given the pandemic. I suck at working out by myself. The community drives me to be better and work harder for sure.

almost 3 years ago

Software Engineer @ Ethically

Awesome examples! I've flirted with the idea of picking a Reddit/Twitter and contributing more; finding peers for collaborative discussion. Props on going for it!